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New Mentor Orientation

Grand Area Mentoring will offer a new mentor orientation on September 24th, 5-7pm, at HMK Elementary School. Learn how to support promising children. Call 435-260-9646 to register. This will cover the basics – from program policies to mentoring best practices....

Understanding Poverty

Understanding Poverty w/ Nan Marquardt March 22nd, 4:30-5:30pm HMK Elementary School Room 141 Did you know? One of the most important middle class rules is that work and achievement tend to be the driving forces in decision-making. For those living in poverty, though,...

New Mentor Orientation

Grand Area Mentoring will offer a new mentor orientation on January 31st, 4:30-6:30pm, at HMK Elementary School. Folks interested in learning more about supporting promising kids while having fun should call 435-260-9646 to register. This will cover all the...