Home > Event > Community-Based Mentoring for HS and MS Mentors
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29 August, 2018
HMK Elementary School Room 141, 505 N. MiVida Dr.

IMPORTANT: In 2018, Grand Area Mentoring will roll out community-based mentoring at the middle school and high school. This means middle school and high school students will be permitted to meet with their mentors one-on-one at approved sites throughout Moab!

This is a big step. All mentors and students participating in the new program must be trained on the rules and regulations. Megan will train the students, and we will offer training to mentors on August 29th, 5pm. Please join us to learn how to reach adolescents with this exciting new opportunity.

THIS IS FOR RETURNING MENTORS ONLY. New mentor candidates, please join us for a new mentor orientation on October 4th. Call 435-260-9646 or email grandareamentoring@gmail.com for more. Thank you!