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June 4, 2019

Dear Grand Area Mentoring Supporter,

We just closed the 2018/2019 school year and have important news to share!

Your support helped us reach a record 92 at-risk youth in the Moab region. We paired each with kind, responsible adults and then carefully followed each match as their relationship blossomed. This wonderful corps of mentors brought skill, experience, and big hearts to share with their mentees.

The effects of mentoring are beyond debate. Statistics impress, but mentee quotes inspire:

“I usually think I’m not smart, and she makes me feel like I am. My favorite thing was when I went with her on a gratitude walk.” (second-grade student)

“Back when I didn’t have a mentor, I wasn’t like the other kids. I didn’t fit in. But ever since I started mentoring, I feel happier about myself. I can talk to my mentor, and she can help me.” (third-grade student)

“Your mentor helps you want to come to school more and makes you happier at school. If you don’t have friends you feel happy to have someone in your life. My mentor smiles and laughs a lot. It makes me want to smile at other people.” (fifth-grade student)

As you will see in the attached report, community-based mentoring took off this year too. For adolescent youth, this has been a game changer. One mentee noted:

“Community based mentoring is better. Most definitely. I can have a wider variety of stuff to do. You have more freedom, and that’s what a lot of kids like. We walked to stores, went to Moonflower Co-op, and built a bench that we donated to the Youth Garden Project.” (7th grade student)

There are too many excellent photos, stories, and statistics to share. Still, we handpicked a few, which you will find in the attached reports.

This is mentoring.

Your time, resources, expertise, and good will create meaningful days and more promising futures for our children.

As ever, with gratitude,

Daniel McNeil

Program Director

(435) 260-9646 • grandareamentoring@gmail.com