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Mentoring Adventures!

Grand Area Mentoring is a school-based program, and most activities happen on four Moab campuses. Mentors and students may also leave school grounds in small groups for pre-approved field trips. These off-campus mentoring outings provide opportunities to broaden mentee horizons, practice skills, and strengthen the mentoring bond over enjoyable activities.

Some examples of outings include:

  • Visiting Back of Beyond Books as part of the Books for Mentees literacy program. Back of Beyond sponsors vouchers for each mentee to choose books valued up to $18 in their area of interest.
  • Eating lunch at a sit-down restaurant where students order based on a budget, try new foods, and emulate table manners role modeled by mentors.
  • Rock climbing at Wallstreet where students learn about a novel physical pursuit and about balance, safety, and strength – both physical and mental.
  • Jeeping on the Fins N Things trail to celebrate a mentee birthday and see new places, which invites greater commitment to the relationship and trust.
  • Preparing a meal at the Youth Garden Project kitchen where mentees learn about nutrition, cooking, and keeping a clean kitchen.



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