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16 September, 2020

All mentors and students newly participating in community-based mentoring must be trained on the rules and regulations. Megan will train the students, and we will offer training to mentors on September 16th, 4:30pm. Please join us to learn how to reach adolescents with this exciting new opportunity. The training will last 30-45 minutes. Find the Zoom invitation below.

This is for mentors who have been with Grand Area Mentoring for two years or more and work with students in grade six or above.

Call or email Dan with questions! (435) 260-9646 • grandareamentoring@gmail.com


D McNeil is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Community-Based Mentor Training

Time: Sep 16, 2020 04:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 821 7320 1693

Passcode: 7qKBgP