Home > Event > Strength-Based Mentoring Workshop with Charlie Appelstein
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08 October, 2020
Strength-Based Mentoring
a live training (via Zoom) with Charlie Appelstein!
This training will cover key concepts and strategies for helping your mentee thrive! In a world where bad luck and poor choices seem to proliferate in the lives of at risk youth, this is a potent antidote.Focusing on a child’s strengths and guiding each toward positive applications of those strengths are the hallmarks of Charlie’s approach. Rather than a cookie-cutter prescription, strength-based mentoring builds on natural talents and interests of individuals.We can begin to help our mentees believe in a better future. That’s the kind of optimism that allowed you to find success, and it can empower your mentee too. Join us for this important training by Charlie Appelstein, one of America’s most revered youth specialists.

Who: All mentors (+ GCSD staff & youth-serving professionals in Moab)
When: October 8th, 4:30-5:30
Where: Zoom, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82336416168

Put it on your calendar. Can’t wait to see you there!