Home > Newsletters > GrandAM October 2022 Newsletter

Ideas! We got em! Check out your newsletter for:

  • Training and learning opportunities
  • Zip-lining beta
  • Halloween craft teasers
  • Important dates
  • And pics of mentors and students!

We have so many ideas for October, they couldn’t all fit in the newsletter! Here are two more big ones:

  • Moab Recreation and Aquatic Center’s Halloween Coloring Contest! Check out the attached page. A pumpkin! Get creative with your mentee and turn in your entries by October 14th! (IMPORTANT: Include your mentee’s name, age, and phone number on the entry. And on yours too!)
  • Moab Arts and Recreation Center’s Red Rock Arts Festival! They’re offering a lineup of awesome activities, including workshops, film screenings, a chalk drawing competition, live music (rocktober!!), and more! See the flyer attached!



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