Home > Newsletters > GrandAM October 2016 Newsletter

Idea of the month #1: Photo Contest!

In 2017, for the first time, WabiSabi will create a nonprofit calendar featuring its partners. Calendars will be available to businesses and citizens throughout the community. Each month will include a big photo and some information about a particular nonprofit. Grand Area Mentoring has signed up for January 2017, National Mentoring Month! This means we get to supply a photo that captures the spirit of mentoring. This is your chance for fame! Your challenge:

Take a photo of yourself and your mentee (or a group of mentors and mentees) and submit it to the GrandAM office: grandareamentoring@gmail.com. A winning photo will be sent on to be featured the first month of 2017! Silly, fun, and playful photos welcome! Be creative! Win eternal glory! 🙂 Deadline for submission: 10/28


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