Dark Skies Event for Mentors & Students!
Moab Dark Skies members have volunteered to take Grand Area Mentoring and BEACON participants to Bar M for a sky gazing extravaganza. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about:
- what makes our skies in southeastern Utah so special
- our universe and fascinating solar system
- interesting phenomena visible with the naked eye and with the help of telescopes.
A meteor shower is expected on April 20th too, so don’t miss this chance to wish upon a star!
Mentors must make arrangements with parents for pickup and drop-off at HMK (505 N. MiVida Dr). We will gather at 7:45pm for departure via bus by 8:00pm. At Bar M, we will be guided through activities starting at 8:30 and ending by 10. Parents can expect children to be ready for pickup at HMK at 10:30pm.
The BLM, volunteer rangers, and the Friends of Arches and Canyonlands Parks are providing this special event. Thank you to all!
IMPORTANT: We have space for a total of fourteen Grand Area Mentoring participants. The deadline for registration is end of the day on April 6th. Email grandareamentoring@gmail.com to register. First come, first served. To register, you must already have parent permission (verbal okay) and commitment for transport.
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